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Update on New Talks

Videos & Articles

The silence of the clergy is atheism. Saint Gregory of Palamas (†1359)


Videos and Articles 

With God’s help we have now added a new category called Videos & Articles. In this category there are four sections that will be regularly updated.

Section One: Orthodox Saints, Holy Elders and Clergy on COVID Restrictions, Masks, Lockdowns, Vaccines, Pandemic Prophesies and Deceptions

Section Two: Doctors and Others Speak Out about Masks, Lockdowns, Vaccines, Early Treatment and COVID Misinformation

Section Three: Other Beneficial Orthodox Videos and Articles

Section Four: More Webpages - including articles and commentaries by Father Kosmas 

Section Five: Beneficial Non-Orthodox Videos and Articles

Scroll down on this page to find these 5 sections or use the "Videos & Articles" drop down menu on the top right hand corner.

Please note that due to the continual restrictions, including lockdowns, as well as other temptations, Father Kosmas has been unable to attend the parish church to present Talk 82 Understanding and Dealing with the Heresy of Covidism According to the Saints, Holy Elders and Clergy.

Therefore, he has decided to work on making his notes available in Section Four for the benefit of Orthodox Christians who are anxious and confused not only about what is happening in the world, but especially what is happening in the churches due to COVID. Father Kosmas has already begun this work and he asks for everyone’s prayers to help him and his helpers in this difficult task.


Click here for: 

Section One

Section Two 

Section Three

Section Four

Section Five 

More videos and articles will be added on a regular basis. 


Do not show obedience to bishops who advise you to do and to say and to believe in things which are
not to your benefit
Saint Meletios of Antioch (†381)